"I was able to get a new job within 4 months of the program"

Chelsea and my Success Coach, Kristen, are really dedicated to their clients. Putting in the work I was able to get a new job within 4 months of the program. Chelsea and Kristen were always responsive and attentive in answering questions and giving feedback, and support. The different modules taught me new techniques on how to navigate the job-seeking world as it is HARD. I never would have learned how to do some of the things like building my LinkedIn profile, prepping for an interview, how to network, or utilizing the internal job market without the help of R + H. The other members of the community are also very nice and supportive of one another!

"I am now able to think about work from a more objective standpoint and put it down to focus on myself. "

Working with Chelsea and Coach Diana brought me into a new understanding of the business world. The tactics are straightforward.The mindset work was a big portion of the program provided me with ways of attaining more mental space to plan well. I am now able to think about work from a more objective standpoint and put it down to focus on myself. I do not feel like there is a rush anymore and I can take my time to build the career of my dreams. The biggest lesson I have learned is not to force anything

"This program has transformed my life in so many ways"

For years, questions about my career circled my head with no outlet. Not only was Chelsea, Coach Diana, and the entire R + H team that outlet but so much more. This community is supportive, and uplifting and it is carefully curated to combat the societal, systemic beliefs, women impress upon themselves. I am leaving with an abundance mindset that led to an internal promotion, confidence in my skills and experience, and a job-searching strategy that will lead to my future goals. R + H has transformed my life in so many ways, I am a better person, mother, partner, and team member because of what I am taking away after 6 short months. Thank you, Chelsea. I can't wait to see what comes next.

"I am the most confident and happiest I have been in a LONG time!"

Thank you for accepting me as part of this community and for letting me talk out my mindset blocks on the calls. I am super grateful for everyone's contributions. #Wins Reduced my anxiety by around 80% with public speaking and interviews Saving so much time & energy not being a perfectionist anymore Made new friends! Increased my confidence tremendously Started new hobbies that bring me so much joy Discovered I had imposter syndrome (had no idea!) New morning and evening routine that contributes to my new found confidence and balance New holistic perspective on my life which has created balance, confidence, and trust in myself I am the most confident and happiest I have been in a LONG time! Thank you coaches and program members for everything!

- Lauren S.

"She so effortlessly helped me manifest those goals which I am now living out"

Prior to this program, I was not confident, not focused, and not dreaming big enough. I was drained by my job search and not using the hidden job market. I am glad I met Chelsea and that she coached me through mindset shifts. I gained confidence and learned how to network in a way that is strategic and results driven. I remember bashfully sharing my dream career / lifestyle goals with Chelsea. She never said it wasn't possible, she so effortlessly helped me manifest those goals which I am now living out. I appreciate how Chelsea also cares about her clients as whole people. She cared about my career goals but she also helped me envision other lifestyle goals and passion areas I could pursue while also having my career. I can't believe how a conversation on IG DM's has shifted my whole life.

"This program changed my life, it changed my son's life, it changed my husband's life."

Listen to Heather's Success Story on the Rich and Hired Podcast - Mariah G.

"Truly the best decision and investment I could make for myself"

Chelsea came into my life at the perfect time. Before working with her, I was not seeing any results in my job search, and with many people on the job hunt, due to Covid-19, it was even more challenging to hear back from companies. When I started working with Chelsea I started actually getting in touch with companies, getting interviews and making new connections with people in my field. Not only did she show me methods that are strategic and affective, she also helped me discover so much about myself. I lacked confidence in myself and my abilities and Chelsea helped me realize my potential and all I have to offer. Not only was she my coach, but she was also my biggest cheerleader and support system when I needed it most, and she NEVER let me doubt myself. She puts her whole heart into her coaching and has true, genuine love and care for her clients. Before working with her, I was very on the fence if this program would be a right for me, but it was truly the best decision and investment I could make for myself. Anyone would be so lucky to have her as a coach and I can guarantee you will see results when you work with her.

"I would recommend your program to anyone who feels stuck, trapped, or hopeless in their job/career "

This journey was about so much more than finding a job for me. This program helped me reconnect with a version of myself that wasn't so bogged down by life and looked forward to the future with hope and confidence--almost like a deep-cleaning for my mindset and emotional wellbeing. I felt lost and had no direction/goals for my career--but now I know what I want and how to get there! I started this program with a wishlist for what I wanted to get out of it, and I really got everything I wanted--and more! I would recommend your program to anyone who feels stuck, trapped, or hopeless in their job/career, because that is exactly how I felt, but I don't feel that way anymore. Chelsea, you were a lifeline for me when I really didn't know where to turn or how to move forward. Thank you for everything!

"I never knew this program would help me in work AND life"

You no doubt changed my life for the better and transformed me to the person I want to be. You came at the time I needed you most, and you gave me the tools I needed to feel confident in myself and my life choices. I felt like our weekly sessions were part coaching, part friends catching up, part therapy, and the worksheets and assignments you gave me were so helpful. I never knew this program would help me in work AND life, but I am applying what I learned in both and that is a gift in itself. This coaching program was worth every penny. Next level Caroline is HERE and here to stay. Thank you times a million, Chelsea <3

"I cannot say enough good things about this program"

I am so grateful that I stumbled upon Chelsea on Instagram and Tiktok. Call it the algorithm, call it a higher power, call it a coincidence - whatever it was that brought me to this program did so exactly when I needed it to. I cannot say enough good things about this program and how impactful Chelsea and Coach Lexie were in my job search journey. The support was unparalleled, whether that was offering advice, providing suggestions, keeping me accountable to my goals, and recognizing mindset pitfalls when I couldn't. I strongly recommend this program to anyone who has made the decision to leave their current role and wants not only a new job, but the PERFECT next step in their career.

Victoria Overcame Her Mindset Blocks and Landed a 30K Salary Increase

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"I saw more happening in the first 2 months of working with Chelsea than I had in the entire 3+ months of trying to do everything myself"

I was laid off during the pandemic and really lacked clarity and direction when it came to my career, especially since I lacked self confidence. Throughout the program I saw major breakthroughs in the mindset work I did as I learned so much about myself. Chelsea helped me uncover some beliefs I held that were really holding me back when it came to my job search. I identified passions, values and gifts that I wanted to align in my job search, while also looking for a role/ company/ and mission that would help me show up as my next level self. I developed networking skills, started incorporating positive affirmations into my routines and showed up with more intention in the work I did and I started seeing the results. I saw more happening in the first 2 months of working with Chelsea than I had in the entire 3+ months of trying to do everything myself and spending all my time applying to jobs with ZERO repsonses. While I did land an amazing position by the end of the program, I also overcame my fear/ insecurity of networking and that's something that will continue to benefit me throughout my career! Chelsea is an incredible teacher, mentor and overall cheerleader/ supporter of women finding careers that they truly love. You will not regret making the decision to join this program or working with Chelsea and I can honestly say it's the best decision I've made for myself and my career. I learned so much and I'm so grateful for every struggle and setback because it taught me patience and persistence and intentionality. Also, the program has the best mascot, Bagley the cat!! R + H is and continues to be the best investment I've made in myself to this day!

"I found job clarity and courage with Chelsea."

Before this program, I had no direction. I was working in dull contract jobs that were a dead end with no motivation to find a new job. After the program, I found the courage to go after the roles I wanted and was qualified for but afraid to apply to for fear of rejection. I learned to actively network and really pivot in my career. I love this program and the amazing team of coaches!

"This program not only exceeded my expectations but totally changed my life. I met and exceeded the goals I set when I started the program"

I am in a great new role, growing quickly in my career, and making a lot more money. This program is not just a career coaching program, but it teaches a mindset and approach to happiness in life. I can take the principles and the frameworks I've learned in this program and apply them to dating, finding a house, making new friends, or anything else I want to do! Lastly, I've met dozens of other amazing people and found a community of ambitious women who are on this journey with me. Chelsea and Coach Lexie both have a forever fan in me.

I'm so happy I joined the program!

Joining this program is one of the best choices I've ever made. Before the program I felt insecure, lost, and unsure when it came to my career journey. Now, I really do have that clarity I was seeking. I feel abundance in every aspect of my life, not just my career. I feel confident I can get anything I want. Making such a big investment in yourself can feel scary, but it is 100% worth every penny. 

"It's the best decision I've ever made."

I spent over a year applying for job after job with no response. Seriously, NO response; not an email, a call, and interview, nothing! I was at my wit's end. Then the good Lord has Chelsea Stokes come across my TikTok For You Page and the heavens opened and the angels sang. Ok, maybe not exactly that but something drew me to Chelsea and led me to contact her. I signed up for the program that very day and its the best decision I've ever made. I never could have known just how valuable that decision would be. This program has connected me with so many amazing women and so much knowledge. Because of this program I'm in a much better place. I know my worth and I refuse to settle for anything less. I'm far better equipped to handle the ups and downs than before and knowing you're not alone in this crazy landscape is everything. There really aren't enough words to accurately describe how grateful I am to Chelsea, her team, and all the amazing women I've met through this program. I genuinely can't wait to see where my life goes now!

Caroline Landed a Job at HubSpot in Her Dream City (Boston)

"Chelsea & her team have the mindset tools, the empathy, and the professional skillset to take you to your next chapter.."

When I joined the program, I anticipated that I would be gaining a community of like-minded, ambitious folks, but it is much more than a typical job searching program. It is built to hold you through the discomfort of really understanding what you need right now in your life - and this transcends job searching. Inner work is necessary to make your job search intentional and aligned. Chelsea & her team have the mindset tools, the empathy, and the professional skillset to take you to your next chapter.

"I feel confident I will get a new role very soon that aligns with my highest self all thanks to the tools and resources in this program."

Thank you Chelsea and Coach Lexie for believing in me even when I didn't believe in myself! The expert feedback, guidance, and support I received in this program helped my transform my mindset and job search strategy. 

"I greatly appreciated that this program focused on not only our professional growth, but our personal growth as well."

I truly enjoyed working with Chelsea and Diana. They always provided quick, supportive, and constructive feedback when I had a question or needed help. The community they create through their weekly calls filled a professional hole I never realized I had. I feel better able to care for myself and have a more positive outlook on my life overall. This program is life changing in every aspect!

"If you show up and do the work, you will succeed."

 The coaches are there every step of the way to help. I have nothing but good things to say about all the coaches! Everyone is super helpful, supportive and understanding. I learned a lot from each coach during calls. I found Coach Diana to be a great match for me! Not only does she love astrology and take a "woo woo" approach to life, but she was beyond supportive, responsive and I will even miss her soothing voice!