Quantum Leap Your Career Masterclass
Learn the exact strategies and frameworks that have helped my clients go from little to no job search results to happy, aligned careers at companies like HubSpot, Microsoft, The Guardian, Ellevest and more!

You've been feeling stuck in your career.
Everyone seems to be hitting their goals, but you can't figure out what you're doing wrong. You want to collapse time and get to the career level that you KNOW you're meant to be at.
If that sounds like you, my FREE masterclass Quantum Leap Your Career was MADE for you to stop feeling stuck and start taking action to live your most aligned career and life NOW.
In this masterclass you'll learn:
✨the 3 key steps to quantum leap your career
✨how my clients negotiate $40,000+ salary increases
✨how to make your career goals happen in the next 3 - 6 months
and much more!
This masterclass will show you the exact steps you need to take to REACH your career goals. What do you have to lose?
Is this you?
✖️ you feel STUCK in your career
✖️ you're UNSURE of your next career step
✖️you're feeling UNDERPAID and UNDERVALUED
✖️ you might be BURNT OUT and EXHAUSTED by work
✖️ you're not getting the job search RESULTS you want
✖️ you're feeling FRUSTRATED by your situation
✖️ you know you were MEANT FOR MORE
About Chelsea Stokes
Once upon a time, I was a recruiter working in magical NYC, making a great salary, getting Sweetgreen for lunch, and working at a huge reputable company. I was living the dream I always imagined, but for some reason it didn't feel like it.
It seemed normal to work long hours and bring my laptop home every night. I didn't question when I was expected to answer emails on vacation. What I know now is that burnout was slowly starting to take it's hold on me. After 3 years, I couldn't take it and more and left with hardly a plan in place.
Now I'm a career coach who has helped dozens of ambitious women get unstuck, find career clarity, and land dream careers. I know that with the right support and strategy, anyone can get into a career they love.

What people had to say...

"I joined the last Masterclass and look where I am now, using LinkedIn like a big girl, job searching like a pro, and learning what I never knew. I hope everyone in the Masterclass will have fun like I did."

"This Masterclass was SO incredible. Thank you Chelsea! I feel like it was the perfect motivator of what needs to be done to get to the next-level"

"OMG Chelsea, this was amazing! You're incredible. I love the 'car and Grand Canyon' analogies and when you were talking about manifesting. This was so impressive!"