EP 31: The Money Mindset Hack That Changed My Life: Bringing Spirituality Into Your Salary, Career, and Finances

Hello, everyone! Chelsea Stokes here, and I'm excited to present a game-changer on today's Rich and Hired Podcast. I hadn't planned to record, but this message was burning inside me, and when inspiration strikes, you simply do it.


Today, I share a money thinking trick that has transformed my finances. Despite growing up comfortably, I talk about my childhood money anxieties and my present financial challenges, from my dog's health to home repairs. The ride was wild.


So, the hack? This is about integrating spirituality into your finances, not some distant concept. I'm discussing how my Bible study changed my outlook. I discuss my favorite passages and how they changed my money relationship.


The balance between financial prosperity and obsession is discussed. I discuss how gratitude and faith in a higher power helped relieve money stress. This episode is for you if you want to eliminate money anxiety and embrace wealth.


Join me as I share my journey, problems, insights, and amazing transformation from adopting spirituality in my financial thinking. If you want to improve your money thinking, subscribe, rate, and share. Join us for this game-changing episode!


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