Your job search isn’t getting you the results you want.
Deep down, you know you’re capable of more in your career. You edit your resume, apply to jobs, try to network - but you still feel STUCK.
If you want to start figuring out why your job search isn’t working, my FREE masterclass, Job Search Recon, was made for you to identify the roadblocks in your job search so you can stop feeling frustrated and start making moves towards the career you deserve.

Does this sound like you?
You’re ambitious and driven, but you don’t feel like your career and job search reflects your worth.
You know you could make an impact at a great company, but you can’t figure out how to get seen.
You feel like your mindset is getting in your way, but you don’t know how to fix it.
You’re stuck in figuring out what is wrong in your job search, and are looking for answers.
If this sounds like you, Job Search Recon was literally MADE for you.
In this masterclass you’ll learn…
- How to conduct a job search recon (AKA - how to figure out what’s not working).
- The 4 areas to evaluate and improve in your job search.
- How to elevate your job search right NOW!
This masterclass will help you find what needs to change in your job search so you can start getting high-level results to be a top candidate in the job market.

About Chelsea Stokes
Once upon a time, I was a recruiter working in magical NYC, making a great salary, getting Sweetgreen for lunch, and working at a huge reputable company. I was living the dream I always imagined, but for some reason it didn't feel like it.
It seemed normal to work long hours and bring my laptop home every night. I didn't question when I was expected to answer emails on vacation. What I know now is that burnout was slowly starting to take its hold on me. After 3 years, I couldn't take it any more and left with hardly a plan in place.
Now I'm a career coach who has helped dozens of ambitious women get unstuck, find career clarity, and land dream careers. I know that with the right support and strategy, anyone can get into a career they love.
What people had to say...

"I joined the last Masterclass and look where I am now, using LinkedIn like a big girl, job searching like a pro, and learning what I never knew. I hope everyone in the Masterclass will have fun like I did."

"This Masterclass was SO incredible. Thank you Chelsea! I feel like it was the perfect motivator of what needs to be done to get to the next-level"

"OMG Chelsea, this was amazing! You're incredible. I love the 'car and Grand Canyon' analogies and when you were talking about manifesting. This was so impressive!"